
Last Updated: February 14, 2025

Check for New Announcements Posted Below the Artist's Welcome Message

   This website was created in 2006 and since that time, visits to it have surpassed over 1.1 million. The content on this site identifies and presents information about every piece of art created by Robert Olszewski, the master miniature artist from his beginnings in 1978 through today.  The website is maintained and updated by Ray Olszewski, the artist's brother, who can be reached by his email: Enjoy your visit and enjoy reading Robert "Bob" Olszewski's personal message, and the artist who enjoys receiving and reading inquiries and other communications sent to the email address provided below.



     This site is dedicated to the complete body of work created by me under license or commission and/or produced by Goebel, the Franklin Mint, Danbury Mint, Harmony Ball, The Walt Disney Company, Enesco, and Olszewski Studios. The goal of this site is to publish information about my art. Schedules of my personal appearances will be published as soon as information becomes available.  These events can be found by clicking here or you can keep informed by signing up for our periodic announcements by clicking contact us located in the banner menu above to get on our email mailing list, or just click here for the form to fill in your information.

Robert's Signature

Robert Olszewski

March 1st, 2006




(Hey!  Where did all the Past announcements go?, Don't worry just Click Here!)Smiley

Click this link for an index of Past Email Announcements sent to Olszewski collectors.

(The Bumble Bees are clickable images to fly you to where you need to go.)

Updated: February 14, 2025


  Content of Last Email Sent by Olszewski Studios  
D23-2024 Another well-attended event took place in early August where Robert Olszewski met and greeted hundreds of his collectors at his booth at the Disneyana event in Anaheim. Highlight of items on display were two new Gallery of Lights produced by Bob for Disney.  Click here to take you to a photo of the exhibit's display and note the two new Gallery of Light releases shown in the lower left hand corner of the image.


Posted 8/24/2024

From The Netherlands

Lowell Smith Logo

For those who were unable to attend the D23-2022, a 12-minute walking tour video taken by Lowell Smith is now available. Featured in the video is Bob Olszewski talking about new products that were on display. Click here to take you to Lowell's website and the video. Check YouTube for more videos by Lowell.


Posted 10/15/2022

D23-2022 D23 - 2022 was a huge success for Bob Olszewski who met with well-over 500 collectors at his booth.  Click here to see the photos taken at that event. If you would like to share your photos, please send to  While there, please be sure to read the article by's Deputy Editor, Tiffany Babb who interviewed him at the event. Click here to take you there now.



Book No. 1: "The Three Works Selected to Commemorate the 1993 Carnegie Museum Retrospective" is now available to purchase on the artist's online store.  This update by Bob expands the earlier version from 52 pages to an 80-page work adding more images and documents never published before.  The three works now include:  The Poultry SellerJack and the Beanstalk, and The Dresden Timepiece.  There was a FREE COPY offer of the Book to the first ten responses Bob received along with how the collector came to collect Bob's work.
Posted 3/21/2022
Book No. 2: "The Egyptian Pyramid" is undergoing an update as well and is a work in process for Bob with an undetermined release date.  Bob says it is a major expansion of previous published book.
Posted 3/21/2022
A new Olszewski Gallery of Light has also been released.  Cinderella's Romantic Night created by Bob to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Disney World Theme Park and is being sold at both Parks for $99.99.
Posted 3/21/2022
Be sure to check our Events Page that shows Bob will be appearing and will be signing at two events this year.
Posted 3/21/2022
For the past few weeks, rehosting of this website was initiated and completed with success. We at Olszewski Studios hope that this action has not been an inconvenience to our Collectors and Visitors. At the same time, the Artist's Online Store website also went through some changes, which have been completed.  Thank you for your patience.
Posted 2/11/2022



Olszewski Art Book No. 3: The Five Nativities...



An Olszewski Collector's response to Book No. 3, The Five Nativities....  Ron Hanson wrote the following: 

Got up early this morning and read the book you sent. It was almost written as you were writing a private letter, so it was very easy to finish. The insight into your thinking and planning is amazing. No wonder every piece is a wonder of art. I also enjoyed the tid bits of your personal life, which added more depth and meaning to some of your pieces. I cannot wait to purchase and prize your upcoming art when it is released. Although I know it is hard to get a hold of, I await on pins and needles. What a great talent you are. Thanks so much for the book. I will place it in my showcase along side my collection.


To read more comments Bob has received, Click here.




Olszewski Art Book No. 1: The Poultry Seller

Book No. 1

Olszewski Art Book No. 2: The Egyptian Pyramid

Book No. 2

     Bob Olszewski has published another informative publication about his art found available on the Olszewski Online Store. There you will find more information about this new release: Olszewski Art Book No. 3: "The Five Nativities and How They Came to Be." Please note that the format for this release has changed and is different than the previous two publications, Binder No. 1 and Binder No. 2 which are being produced in this new format. Instead of publishing his writeups using notebooks and inserts, Bob is now having his handwritten writeups produced in a quality softcover glossy 8.5" x 11" full color book format.  By going to this new format the cost has been reduced significantly. All are now available for purchase under the Publications Category on the artist's online store.  


19 Nov 2021

  In response to Collector inquiries, Bob will attend The Disneyana Collectible and Sale event, Sunday, May 15th, 2022 9 AM to 5 PM at the Double Tree Suites by Hilton hotel, located at 100 The City Drive S, Orange, CA 92868.

  Bob will also attend the D23 Convention at the Anaheim Convention Center, September 9-11, 2022.  He will be sharing a booth with his friend Lowell Smith in the D23 Expo Emporium exhibit area.  Also check our events page.


19 Nov 2021

   Bob has not "Retired". His work is at the moment sold out at the Disney Theme Parks and reorders for his work have been placed and are in production.  This includes two new Gallery of Light designs.  When the shipments of the reorders and the new designs have arrived, Olszewski Studios will send out an email announcement as well as posting the information here.  So, keep your email address current with us by clicking here.


19 Nov 2021

Olszewski Collections and Themes
Bumble Bee
Olszewski Paintings, Papier Mâché, Doll House, and Sculpture, 1960 - 2001
Bumble Bee
Olszewski Studios and Pre-Goebel, 1977 - 1979
Goebel Miniatures, 1979 - 1994
Bumble Bee
Olszewski Studios, 1994 - Today
Bumble Bee
Olszewski Art Work Available for Purchase: Where to find, Where to Buy! 
Bumble Bee
The Summary List of ALL Olszewski Individual Art Works
Bumble Bee
The Olszewski Collector's Corner - see what others are saying and doing!
Bumble Bee
A History of Past "Keeping You Informed" Announcements from Olszewski Studios



A Webmaster Welcome

I am delighted to be involved in the development of my brother's web-site.  This has been a truly wonderful experience gathering and sharing information about my brother's magnificent works of art he has created over the past 45 years.  I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did researching and putting it together.  We are continually updating the web site as there is so much information to share with visitors.  I welcome and thank those of Bob's collectors who send in comments with corrections which I try to include.  Please feel free to send in your comments and any errors you may come across in your travels through the Olszewsi Studios website.  My brother and I hope the site enhances your own education about the art and the artist. 

Notice the two different colors shown in the block below.  We chose these colors to differentiate when Robert, personally, makes contributions and when I make contributions to the information.   As Bob's Brother, I've seen his art grow, sold his art, wrote about it,  evaluated it, and lived some of it with him. 





We have tried to make the web-site as user-friendly as possible.  Be aware changes are being made daily improving the appearance, adding new information, and correcting that which has previously been published as this project grows.  You will find new writings by Robert, items for sale by Olszewski Studios, beneficial links to other web-sites and descriptions to name but a few.  FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are most welcome, are answered as promptly as possible and we will share those that will assist others in their journey into the art world of Robert Olszewski.   Since we launched the official Olszewski Studios web site, we have also established additional web sites (links shown below) which we hope will be of great value to you. 

Here is the list of those sites (they all have something do with Olszewski):


The Official Robert Olszewski Informational Website
The Official Olszewski Studios Online Retail Store
The Official Olszewski Studios Blog


To navigate from this page, you can either choose the menu buttons/links on the top menu, at the bottom or click on the bumble bees shown on this page.  To assist you further, there is an Introduction and Guide and of course the search engine below can be very helpful.   For example:  Type in "Cinderella" without the quotes. of course and see what happens!


Thank you for visiting, your interest in Olszewski Studios, and for appreciating my brother's wonderful art over all these many years. 


Ray Olszewski

Olszewski Studios


All page Copyright 2024


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All figurines and displays are copyrighted by ©Disney, ©Goebel Miniatures, and ©Olszewski Studios

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